Friday, July 17, 2009

What Do You Do When Overwhelmed?

Goodmorning and thanks for stopping by. This post is not going to be so much about The Fitting Room but about why I have been neglecting writing posts in this blog and therefor I feel that I am also neglecting anyone who reads them.

Right now and for the past month I have let everything happening in my life overwhelm me. I know that this is not a good thing but I felt like I was handling all the "stuff" that was going on when in actuality I am not. What I have been doing is shoving everything to the side and acting as if there is nothing wrong instead of taking care of all the things that need taking care of head on. I have to do something about these problems instead of acting as if there are none.What I have to do is "Take Action".

What has been going on that has overwhelmed me so much? Well, to start with, and probably the main thing is our house. You may notice I used the word house instead of home. It is hard to call it home when we are unsure of whether we are going to be able stay here, and if not how long before we have to be out. At this point I am not even sure we want to stay here, but moving is a very expensive and timely option. If we do want to stay here, then we have to negotiate with the mortgage company and hopefully come up with a viable plan to be able to afford to keep it.

I have to also think about my mother who is living with my daughter and I. Having to move at any age is hard enough, but she is in her 80's and having to move again would be much harder on her. And as I mentioned before, moving is very costly when it comes to both time and money.

I really do not want to go into all the other overwhelming aspects of my life. AT least right now I am not involved with anyone so I have no relationship issues, unless not having one at all can be considered an issue. But right now, not being involved is probably a good thing.

I was thinking that I could actually coallate the way things are going in my life to how I handle problems at work. At times it gets quiet and there are very few customers. I can get a bit of a breather and do stuff I do not get a chance to do when it gets busy. Then all of a sudden a charge of customers come in all at the same time and yes, sometimes I do get overwhelmed because after shopping for a couple hours the customer comes in and wants to be in and out of the fitting room as quickly as possible. As I have said before most of my customers are polite and respectful but still in a hurry to get in and out when tryuing on the clothes. Then all the clothes get piled up for lack of time to put them on the correct racks. The fitting room is a mess.
The customers are coming and going so fast it is hard to keep up with them. And yes, sometimes I do get overwhelmed. When this happens I have to stop what I am doing for a minute, take a few deep breaths and kind of readjust myself. I can then see what must be done and then I can prioritize and continue on. This is probably what I should do when I get overwhelmed with the the situations I have to deal with at home.

But the main thing I do believe is once I figure out what I have to do I actually have to take action and do it. I am a procrastinator. I put things off til the last minute. It is very hard for me to ask for help. And I am scared that I am going to make the wrong decision or do the wrong thing. I do not even know where to go to ask for help. I am really doing my best to get past all my barriers but it has been rough. No wonder I feel overwhelmed.

Well, I called for mortgage counseling. I really need to put my best foot forward and get I will get through this.

Any suggestions are welcome.

I am going to get back on track with my blog this coming week.

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