Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I Need To Make A Change (sound familiar?)

Well they say absence makes the heart grow fonder. But I fear when it comes to blogs absence makes people forget about you. I suppose that is the reason consistency with posts is very important if one wants people to keep coming back.

If we are absent at a regular job too often the outcome is usually termination. So I am thinking I should be thinking of writing posts and paying attention to any blog as I would a job. So as of today I am committed to making a blog writing schedule just as I have a job schedule. Of course, the schedule I do for blog posting will have to be on a much more regular basis than my job schedule is .

Anyway, I know I have said this before, but once again I will say I am going to be more consistent and write posts on a much more regular basis.

Now about this job I have right now, I cannot say how unpleasant it is most days. Just like worked on Labor Day. At first I was happy to be able to get the time and a half, but then come to find out I have been scheduled for only 3 -3/4 hours. So even with time and a half I am still not making a full day's pay. But then my manager comes to me and says she probably will need me to stay until the store closes which would give me another 5-1/2 hours. Okay, I was feeling a bit better when once again she comes and tells me that someone else is going to stay instead because I am available during the days more. She is worried that I might end up working too many hours during the week if she needs me on another day. How is that for confusing? The way this lady thinks is very strange sometimes.

I should have told her that I needed the time and a half much, much more than this kid who lives with her parents and uses the money for clothing does. But you would think any grown adult would have enough common sense to know this.

Like I said before, I guess you can tell that I am not really happy at this job, or at least at this store. Honestly, I do not know if it would be any better at the store where my old bosses are, except that I know I had a lot more good things to say about the managers and I really do not believe I complained as much. In fact, my mother says I used to be, or at least I seemed to be, much happier and I smiles a heck of a lot more.

I know I need to find something better in my life. I do not have that much more of it and I would really like to love the life I lead. I love it when I can help people. I love to make people smile and laugh. I am good at that. So far I have only been able to do these things in very small ways, but everyone of them was so enjoyable and so very elating. To be able to do it in much larger ways would be so gratifying. I would really love to help kids. Homeless kids. Hungry kids. Kids whose lives at home are so bad that to be without a home seems better.

Right now I am so confused about my life how do I help someone else? I have to set things right with me and my home and then I can go on from there.

I must again reaffirm the fact that I have the most wonderful daughter in the world and she has and still does keep me going when everything else around me seems to be unraveling. So before my life unravels anymore I need to find a way to put it back together better then ever.

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