Sunday, July 19, 2009

What's Wrong With Overtime?

What's wrong with overtime? This is a question many people do not even have to ask. Personally whenever I could get some overtime I jumped at it. But where I work now I guess overtime is frightening for management to even think about. let me tell you about Friday.

I was scheduled to work on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. But then two of the associates I work with asked if I wanted to work for them. One on Monday and the other on Friday. I said yes as I always do (because I have such a great social life, right?). So Friday morning I received a call which at first I thought was going to be to ask me to come in earlier, but then when I listened to the message it was to tell me to come in later at 6 p.m. instead of 5 otherwise I would be going into overtime. I did not even realize I had worked that many hours.

Well, this is where it gets to be kind of humorous. When I got in my manager came and told me that I had to sign out by 10:00 p.m. and no later. Usually when we are scheduled to close it means we are going to be there 30 minutes to an hour and 1/2 later than the time the store closes which is 9:30 p.m. So no matter how long everyone else was going to be there I had to be finished by 10:00. Then later, the manager comes over and tells me that she wants me to clock out at 9:55. Okay, so that is what I planned on doing. But it got to be about 9:45 and she says as long as I clock out by 9:59 I would be okay. So that is the third time I have been told a different time to clock out. Then at 9:55 I hear over the intercom, A.J. you have 4 minutes. I mean come on, talk about being nervous about getting me out on time and making sure there is not even a minute of overtime on my time sheet. How nervous can someone get about something like that?

The end of that story is that I actually did not end up clocking out until 10:01 p.m. So I do not what they plan on doing about that one minute. As far as I am concerned they can just adjust the time and take off a minute or two. I just hope it does not turn into a big fiasco because of one minute or two.

They do not think twice about giving us overtime on holidays, but one minute over 40 hours on a regular work week and it seems to make them turn into nervous Nellie's or maniac Managers? Personally I would love to not even have to think about whether I need that money. I would love to find a way to work at home and make enough money so I never had to even think about overtime at all.

AS for working at home, I keep trying to find a way a niche or product that would be good enough to be an affiliate for. I have read all the different ways of researching niches and tried many of them but I still am not sure of how to find a really good one. With all the reports and books I am still searching. I really do believe that finding that niche and product(s) is the hardest part of getting started as an affiliate. Maybe I should just start with anything just to get my feet wet with affiliate marketing. So after I finish this post I am going to do some research and hopefully today will be the day that light bulb goes on inside my head and I find what I am looking for.

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