Monday, June 8, 2009

Concentrating On The Postive

I seem to be having a hard time writing these posts. I keep rewriting them trying to find the best way to express myself and say what I want to say the right way. I know I should just go ahead and write and not worry so much about them being right. Right? (Sorry about the word right/write being so repetitive.)

One thing I have decided to do is concentrate on the the good things people do for each other. It seems we have a natural tendency to complain and criticize more than compliment and see the good side of others. So that is why I have decided to spend two weeks instead of one on each of the different subjects of How People Treat Each Other. So I am staying on How the Customers and Employees Treat Each Other this week too. (I also believe I have finally fixed AdSense on this blog which in itself has been very time consuming.)

Back to what this blog is supposed to be about. I was thinking about how I had thanked one of our customers for hanging the clothes back so neatly. The tops and sweaters were buttoned back up and zippers zipped on pants and capris and etc. It saves us a whole lot of time when we do not have to do those extra little things. I really do try and show my appreciation for even the smallest courtesies that the customers take the time to do. Along with showing my appreciation I always try to give customers a compliment with a smile as much as I can. It really does help make the whole atmosphere much better and brighter. I can turn a disgruntled and moody customer into one that is smiling and laughing. For some reason I am really good at that. I enjoy making people's day a little bit brighter which in turn helps to make my day that much better than it would have been or better than it already is. Of course there are also those times when I am in a bad mood and just a kind word, a nice smile or some small considerate act will turn my whole day around. I really am grateful when that happens. I do not like myself very much on days when I feel and act like a disgruntled victim. (Just that description sounds terrible).

It really is true what is said that 'We use up a lot more energy being angry and upset than we do when we smile and are happy'. I know I feel really tired and drained mentally and physically when I have had bad encounters with people and the day seems very long. And there are those days when if feels as if everything has gone wrong. But when it has been a good day and I have been laughing and joking with the customers I leave work with a smile on my face and a surge of energy ready to tackle some of the projects I have left to do at home. I can then look back at the day and feel good about it because I know it has been a full and fruitful day. A day in which I have accomplished some of the things I set out to do and a day that I have helped to make a little bit better and brighter for myself and others.

I would love to hear other ways to make this world a brighter and better place to live. How do you put a smile on someone's face? What do people do that can make you feel happy?

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